

Luke / Acts Reading Plan

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Luke / Acts Week 14 – Apr 1-5

Monday, April 01, 2024

Monday – Luke 11:1-4 The Lord’s Prayer
1. In his gospel, Luke constantly shows Jesus as a man of prayer (ref. 3:21; 5:16; 6:12; 9:18, 28-29; 22:32, 40-41, 44-45). Why do you think His habit of prayer sparked the disciples’ interest?
2. That we have two versions of the Lord’s Prayer (cf. Mat 6:9-13), shows us the issue is not the prayer’s exact wording, but its themes. Elaborate on the themes you find in Jesus’ model prayer.
3. The disciples’ request is “Lord teach us to pray” – that is the habit of prayer. In what ways does knowing what to pray for help in developing the habit of prayer? How does the promise of Rom 8:26 also help?

Tuesday – Luke 11:5-13 Keep Asking, Seeking, Knocking
1. The disciples’ request is “Lord teach us to pray.” First, Jesus teaches them what to say, next through two pictures with commentary He strongly urges them to pray with boldness. There are all sorts of ways in which God is not like the sleepy friend, but on what point of comparison is Jesus focusing?
2. In your own words, what does the example of God as a generous Father teach about His character?
3. What five words would you use to describe your current prayer life? Looking over vv. 1-13, what are two or three principles you can apply from this passage to strengthen your prayer life?

Wednesday – Luke 11:14-23 Jesus and Beelzebul
1. Imagine being part of the crowd witnessing Jesus expel the mute-demon. Describe what you see and hear from Jesus, the demon-possessed man, the crowd, and the naysayers.
2. Skeptical, Jesus’ critics charge Him with being in league with “Beelzebul, the prince of demons” (a Jewish name for Satan). How does Jesus point out their illogical position? In what ways does Jesus’ further claim strengthen or clarify His argument?
3. Every person is either helping Jesus or hindering Him. Considering v. 23, describe how one gathers with Jesus and scatters against Him. Where are you on the gathering-scattering spectrum?

Thursday – Luke 11:24-26 Return of An Unclean Spirit
1. Building off the pervious scene (vv. 14-23), Jesus talks about a person who experiences release from a demon but is again overcome. Outline the events of Jesus’ parabolic teaching.
2. The point of the parable is to warn of the devastating consequences of experiencing God’s work only to fail to fill one’s life with faith. What advice would you give a new Christian on how to fill themselves with God? To what degree do you follow your own advice? Why or why not?
3. Jesus’ conclusion, “the last state of that person is worse than the first” is a repeated biblical refrain (cf. Jhn 5:14; Heb 6:4-8; 10:26-31; 2 Pet 2:20-22). Why are those who experience God’s truth and blessings but don’t fill their lives with Him, worse off than before?

Friday – Luke 11:27-28 True Blessedness
1. In the middle of Jesus correcting His critics and His parabolic teaching on demons (vv. 14-26), a woman unexpectedly interrupts with praise for Jesus and His mother. Why do you think she does this?
2. Nearly everyone is concerned with living the abundant life, their best life, or the good life. For Jesus, how does one live the blessed life? How do His words contrast with what the woman said?
3. In what ways does “hearing the word of God and keep[ing] it” serve as the antidote to the devastating situation described in vv. 24-26? Where in your life do you need to hear and keep God’s word?

Luke / Acts Week 13 – Mar 25-29

Monday, March 25, 2024

Monday – Luke 10:1-9 Jesus Sends out the Seventy-Two
1. On the road to Jerusalem (cf. 9:51), Jesus expands His missionaries from twelve (cf. 9:1-6) to seventy-two. What clues in the text reveal that their mission is a matter of real urgency?
2. In what sense are the missionaries like “lambs in the midst of wolves”? Why would a message of peace, healing, and the arrival of God’s kingdom seem so threatening?
3. Despite opposition, Jesus tells the seventy-two, “The harvest is plentiful.” Why do you think the command to “pray earnestly” for harvesters precedes the command to “Go”? How can you put these two commands, pray and go, into practice?

Tuesday – Luke 10:10-16 Woe to Unrepentant Cities and the Sending of the Seventy-Two 
1. Building off his positive instructions on acceptance, Jesus trains His missionaries on rejection. How are the seventy-two supposed to handle rejection?
2. Reflect on why it will be worse in the day of judgment for Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum (cf. Luk 4:31-44; 5:17-26; 7:1-10; 9:10-17) than the despicably wicked cities of Sodom (Gen 18:22-19:29), Tyre and Sidon (Isa 23). What would Jesus say about your town, “Woe to you…” or “Blessed are you…”? Why?
3. Jesus ends with a word on acceptance and especially rejection. In what ways should the truth of v. 16 temper the eagerness for acceptance and soften the blow of rejection?

Wednesday – Luke 10:17-24 The Return of the Seventy-Two and Jesus Rejoices in the Father’s Will
1. In your own words describe the joy of the returning missionaries. Why do you think they focus on casting out demons instead of preaching about the kingdom?
2. For Jesus, the success of the seventy-two is a preview of the ultimate overthrow of Satan but their joy should be in the fact that their “names are written in heaven.” What seems to be His aim with this statement?
3. Jesus has one more response for the seventy-two - a solemn prayer of praise to God. What things have the Father revealed to the disciples that sets them apart from the “wise” and from “prophets and kings”?

Thursday – Luke 10:25-37 The Parable of the Good Samaritan
1. We’re told a lawyer wants to test Jesus. What kind of answers do you think he wants when he asks, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” and “Who is my neighbor?”
2. How does Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan illustrate the two great commandments, while also answering the lawyer’s two questions?
3. When Jesus says, “Go and do likewise,” what exactly is He telling the lawyer to go do? How does this command also apply to you?

Friday – Luke 10:38-42 Martha and Mary
1. Place yourself in the home of Martha and Mary with Jesus and the disciples. Describe the feel of the house as Jesus teaches with Mary listening and Martha franticly serving.
2. What positive and negative qualities do you see in Martha? From Jesus’ comment and your observation of her, what seems to be her root problem? Can you relate? How so?
3. Suppose you ask Jesus, “How can I learn, like Mary, to choose what is better?” What might He say to you? Going forward, in what ways will you, like Mary, choose Jesus over the anxieties of life?

Luke / Acts Week 12 – Mar 18-22

Monday, March 18, 2024

Monday – Luke 9:43b-45 Jesus Again Foretells His Death
1. Jesus first predicts His rejection after Peter confesses Him as the Christ (Luk 9:18-22). As the disciples marvel at His power over demons (vv. 37-43a), Jesus again mentions His rejection. What might He be teaching the disciples by timing this second foretelling alongside this event?
2. Identify some factors you think keep the disciples from embracing the implications of a suffering Savior.
3. Why do you think they are afraid to ask Jesus about His rejection but aren’t afraid to argue about which one of them is the greatest (vv. 46-48)?

Tuesday – Luke 9:46-48 The Disciples Argue Who is the Greatest?
1. What do you find ironic with the disciples’ argument on the heels of the previous episodes? How do you imagine the argument sounding between the disciples?
2. Ancient culture has no romanticized notions about children. Summarize Jesus’ twin teachings with the child as His object lesson.
3. Note how Paul echoes Jesus’ teaching in Rom 12:3, 10, 16. When do you find these instructions difficult? Elaborate on several ways you will live out the truth of Jesus’ and Paul’s words. Be specific and challenge yourself. Pray for God to keep you humble and welcoming to others.

Wednesday – Luke 9:49-50 Anyone Not Against Us Is For Us
1. After being rebuked by Jesus for their one-upmanship, the disciples rebuke a man for casting out demons in Jesus’ name because he wasn’t “follow[ing] with us” (v. 49; cf. Luk 9:37-43). Evaluate their reasoning, why do you think the Twelve thought this way? When are you tempted to act the same way?
2. Jesus says, “Whoever is not against you is for you.” In what ways have you seen these words too narrowly and at times too broadly applied? How can you apply this truth to your life? To your congregation?
3. Looking back over vv. 43b-50, Luke highlights three of the disciples’ problems. What do you see as the root of these problems? What blind spots, or areas of spiritual immaturity, do you need to work on? 

Thursday – Luke 9:51-56 A Samaritan Village Rejects Jesus
1. With Luk 9:22, 30-31, 44 in mind, v. 51 takes on a solemn tone. Describe Jesus’ behavior and demeanor as the Samaritans – the Jew’s traditional enemy – reject Him because He is going to Jerusalem.
2. Jesus’ rebuke is succinct, “You do not know what manner of spirit you are of; for the Son of Man came not to destroy people’s lives but to save them” (v. 55). How do James’ and John’s attitudes contrast with Jesus’ behavior, His mission, and His earlier instructions (cf. Luk 9:5)?
3. Have you ever wanted to figuratively call fire down on people who dishonor Jesus or you? What attitudes do these desires reflect in your heart? Identify the attitudes Jesus would have you adopt.

Friday – Luke 9:57-62 The Cost of Following Jesus
1. On the road to Jerusalem, three would-be disciples approach Jesus. What preconditions does each set for following Jesus? Why do you think Jesus challenges each person’s stipulation for discipleship?
2. How do each of these preconditions – comforts, responsibilities, and attachments – still challenge would-be and professed disciples today? What type of follower is Jesus looking for (cf. Luk 9:23-24)? 
3. As you think about your journey of faith, when you’re tempted to look back instead of moving forward, what helps you move forward?

Luke / Acts Week 11 – Mar 11-15

Monday, March 11, 2024

Monday – Luke 9:10-17 Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
1. After a busy missionary trip, the twelve surely want to rest (cf. Mrk 6:31)? How do you see them reacting to a large crowd following them? In contrast, describe Jesus’ reaction to the crowd.
2. We can understand the apostle’s reluctance to feed the hungry crowd, but Jesus persists. Observe His progressive steps to involve the twelve in feeding the people. What lessons is He teaching the twelve?
3. This miracle echoes many Old Testament accounts. Moses (Exd 16), Elijah (1 Kgs 17:8-16), and Elisha (2 Kgs 4:1-7) all miraculously fed people by the power of God. In what ways is feeding with actual physical bread such a powerful statement of what God does for us spiritually?

Tuesday – Luke 9:18-22 Peter Confesses Jesus as the Christ and Jesus Foretells His Death
1. Why do you think Jesus poses such a probing question to His disciples about His identity? What different views did people have about who He was (cf. vv. 7-9)?
2. Even though Peter correctly states, that Jesus is “The Christ of God” he and the disciples don’t comprehend the depths of this statement. What aspects of Christhood does Jesus want the disciples to understand?
3. Many think of Jesus as a great teacher, a historical figure, or a fraud. Answer His question: "Who do you say that I am?” Why?

Wednesday – Luke 9:23-27 Take Up Your Cross and Follow Jesus
1. Following Jesus is a costly endeavor. In your own words, summarize Jesus’ teaching on what it means to be His follower. Considering v. 22, what significance do you attach to His explanation of the cost associated with following Him?
2. Short of martyrdom, how might one seek to “save” their life or gladly “lose” their life? What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses or forfeits himself? 
3. How does Jesus’ explanation of what it means to follow Him, contradict with what you hear today about the Christian life? Think of one or two specific ways to deny yourself and take up your cross daily?

Thursday – Luke 9:28-36 The Transfiguration
1. Imagine you’re on the mountain witnessing this extraordinary event. What do you see and hear? How do you react? What questions fill your mind?
2. To what degree, if any, do you sense Jesus’ own need for His transfiguration, His conversation with Moses and Elijah, and the confirmation from the Father?
3. What do the disciples learn about Jesus by His transformed appearance, His conversation with Moses and Elijah and the voice from heaven, “This is My Chosen One, listen to Him” (cf. 2 Pet 1:16-18)?

Friday – Luke 9:37-43a Jesus Heals a Boy with an Unclean Spirit
1. All three Synoptic gospels follow the transfiguration with the healing of the demon-possessed boy (cf. Mat 17:1-21; Mrk 9:2-29). What connections do you see between these two scenes?
2. Reflecting on the father’s desperation, how do you picture him coming to the disciples for help and his disappointment when they couldn’t do anything?
3. Jesus is clearly exasperated with the disciples, “O faithless and twisted generation.” Earlier, the disciples were casting out demons (Luk 9:1-2, 6, 10) but using Mrk 9:28-29, explain why they could not help this desperate father? What role does prayer have in fortifying our faith in God to help others?

Luke / Acts Week 10 – Mar 4-8

Monday, March 04, 2024

Monday – Luke 8:22-25 Jesus Calms a Storm
1. At least four disciples are experienced fishermen (cf. Luk 5:1-11), yet this storm sends a shiver up their spine. As you picture this scene, what do you imagine the disciples doing? Saying? Thinking? Why do you think Jesus is asleep amid the commotion?
2. Adding Mrk 4:38 to our reading, the disciples interpret Jesus’ sleep as a sign of indifference, “Don’t you care?” In what ways can you relate to their fear? How is their accusation and distress a lack of faith?
3. After witnessing Jesus still the storm with a mere word, the disciples question their own understanding of Jesus. When have you realized you didn’t know Jesus as well as you thought? What did it lead to?

Tuesday – Luke 8:26-39 Jesus Heals a Man with a Demon
1. As Jesus and the disciples disembark in Gentile area, they are immediately met by a demon-possessed man. Evaluate the man’s condition and actions.
2. Jesus solves the townspeople’s problem by healing the demon-possessed man, yet they fearfully beg Him to leave their region. What might be their reasons? Why do you think Jesus didn’t argue with them?
3. At the end of the incident, Jesus seems to reverse course. For the first time, He tells someone to go and tell others about their healing. Write out the man’s commission. In what ways can you adopt Jesus’ words for yourself?

Wednesday – Luke 8:40-56 Jesus Heals a Woman and Jairus’ Daughter
1. Back in home territory, a large crowd follows Jesus as He goes to help a young girl. Describe the woman who secretly touches Jesus. Why do you think He makes the woman reveal herself?
2. Delayed, word comes that the young girl has died. Why do you think Jesus feels the need to encourage Jairus not to fear, but to believe? How is fear a powerful tempter to abandon our hope in Jesus?
3. Each of the miracles in Luk 8:22-56 highlights the distinction between fear and faith. Which person(s) in these accounts do you sympathize with the most? Why? Where do you need Jesus’ exhortations, “Where is your faith?” and “Do not fear; only believe”?

Thursday – Luke 9:1-6 Jesus Sends Out the 12 Apostles
1. Calling the twelve apostles to Himself, Jesus sends them out, multiplying His ministry. How does the mission of the Twelve relate to Jesus own mission (cf. 4:17-19; 7:22-23; 8:1)?
2. Jesus warns them that they will not always be warmly received. Summarize their expected experience. Reflect on how rejection can either bolster or break one’s faith. What makes the difference?
3. According to Mrk 16:16-20 and Heb 2:1-4, the miraculous gifts are given to confirm the word as it is preached. Do we need to see miracles today to confirm the validity of the Word? Why or why not?

Friday – Luke 9:7-9; Mark 6:19-29 Herod is Perplexed by Jesus and the Death of John the Baptist
1. Herod the tetrarch thinking that John has risen from the dead, follows the account of Jesus sending out the Twelve. Why do you suppose Luke connects the two scenes together?
2. Using Mrk 6:19-29, trace the events that lead to John’s beheading.
3. Even though Herod fears and listens to John, he orders the prophet’s beheading. What does this reveal about Herod’s character? When does the pressure to please people override your desire to obey God? List the steps you will take to obey God rather than peer pressure.

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