

“Luke / Acts Week 13 – Mar 25-29”

Categories: Luke / Acts Reading Plan

Monday – Luke 10:1-9 Jesus Sends out the Seventy-Two
1. On the road to Jerusalem (cf. 9:51), Jesus expands His missionaries from twelve (cf. 9:1-6) to seventy-two. What clues in the text reveal that their mission is a matter of real urgency?
2. In what sense are the missionaries like “lambs in the midst of wolves”? Why would a message of peace, healing, and the arrival of God’s kingdom seem so threatening?
3. Despite opposition, Jesus tells the seventy-two, “The harvest is plentiful.” Why do you think the command to “pray earnestly” for harvesters precedes the command to “Go”? How can you put these two commands, pray and go, into practice?

Tuesday – Luke 10:10-16 Woe to Unrepentant Cities and the Sending of the Seventy-Two 
1. Building off his positive instructions on acceptance, Jesus trains His missionaries on rejection. How are the seventy-two supposed to handle rejection?
2. Reflect on why it will be worse in the day of judgment for Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum (cf. Luk 4:31-44; 5:17-26; 7:1-10; 9:10-17) than the despicably wicked cities of Sodom (Gen 18:22-19:29), Tyre and Sidon (Isa 23). What would Jesus say about your town, “Woe to you…” or “Blessed are you…”? Why?
3. Jesus ends with a word on acceptance and especially rejection. In what ways should the truth of v. 16 temper the eagerness for acceptance and soften the blow of rejection?

Wednesday – Luke 10:17-24 The Return of the Seventy-Two and Jesus Rejoices in the Father’s Will
1. In your own words describe the joy of the returning missionaries. Why do you think they focus on casting out demons instead of preaching about the kingdom?
2. For Jesus, the success of the seventy-two is a preview of the ultimate overthrow of Satan but their joy should be in the fact that their “names are written in heaven.” What seems to be His aim with this statement?
3. Jesus has one more response for the seventy-two - a solemn prayer of praise to God. What things have the Father revealed to the disciples that sets them apart from the “wise” and from “prophets and kings”?

Thursday – Luke 10:25-37 The Parable of the Good Samaritan
1. We’re told a lawyer wants to test Jesus. What kind of answers do you think he wants when he asks, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” and “Who is my neighbor?”
2. How does Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan illustrate the two great commandments, while also answering the lawyer’s two questions?
3. When Jesus says, “Go and do likewise,” what exactly is He telling the lawyer to go do? How does this command also apply to you?

Friday – Luke 10:38-42 Martha and Mary
1. Place yourself in the home of Martha and Mary with Jesus and the disciples. Describe the feel of the house as Jesus teaches with Mary listening and Martha franticly serving.
2. What positive and negative qualities do you see in Martha? From Jesus’ comment and your observation of her, what seems to be her root problem? Can you relate? How so?
3. Suppose you ask Jesus, “How can I learn, like Mary, to choose what is better?” What might He say to you? Going forward, in what ways will you, like Mary, choose Jesus over the anxieties of life?