

“Luke / Acts Week 14 – Apr 1-5”

Categories: Luke / Acts Reading Plan

Monday – Luke 11:1-4 The Lord’s Prayer
1. In his gospel, Luke constantly shows Jesus as a man of prayer (ref. 3:21; 5:16; 6:12; 9:18, 28-29; 22:32, 40-41, 44-45). Why do you think His habit of prayer sparked the disciples’ interest?
2. That we have two versions of the Lord’s Prayer (cf. Mat 6:9-13), shows us the issue is not the prayer’s exact wording, but its themes. Elaborate on the themes you find in Jesus’ model prayer.
3. The disciples’ request is “Lord teach us to pray” – that is the habit of prayer. In what ways does knowing what to pray for help in developing the habit of prayer? How does the promise of Rom 8:26 also help?

Tuesday – Luke 11:5-13 Keep Asking, Seeking, Knocking
1. The disciples’ request is “Lord teach us to pray.” First, Jesus teaches them what to say, next through two pictures with commentary He strongly urges them to pray with boldness. There are all sorts of ways in which God is not like the sleepy friend, but on what point of comparison is Jesus focusing?
2. In your own words, what does the example of God as a generous Father teach about His character?
3. What five words would you use to describe your current prayer life? Looking over vv. 1-13, what are two or three principles you can apply from this passage to strengthen your prayer life?

Wednesday – Luke 11:14-23 Jesus and Beelzebul
1. Imagine being part of the crowd witnessing Jesus expel the mute-demon. Describe what you see and hear from Jesus, the demon-possessed man, the crowd, and the naysayers.
2. Skeptical, Jesus’ critics charge Him with being in league with “Beelzebul, the prince of demons” (a Jewish name for Satan). How does Jesus point out their illogical position? In what ways does Jesus’ further claim strengthen or clarify His argument?
3. Every person is either helping Jesus or hindering Him. Considering v. 23, describe how one gathers with Jesus and scatters against Him. Where are you on the gathering-scattering spectrum?

Thursday – Luke 11:24-26 Return of An Unclean Spirit
1. Building off the pervious scene (vv. 14-23), Jesus talks about a person who experiences release from a demon but is again overcome. Outline the events of Jesus’ parabolic teaching.
2. The point of the parable is to warn of the devastating consequences of experiencing God’s work only to fail to fill one’s life with faith. What advice would you give a new Christian on how to fill themselves with God? To what degree do you follow your own advice? Why or why not?
3. Jesus’ conclusion, “the last state of that person is worse than the first” is a repeated biblical refrain (cf. Jhn 5:14; Heb 6:4-8; 10:26-31; 2 Pet 2:20-22). Why are those who experience God’s truth and blessings but don’t fill their lives with Him, worse off than before?

Friday – Luke 11:27-28 True Blessedness
1. In the middle of Jesus correcting His critics and His parabolic teaching on demons (vv. 14-26), a woman unexpectedly interrupts with praise for Jesus and His mother. Why do you think she does this?
2. Nearly everyone is concerned with living the abundant life, their best life, or the good life. For Jesus, how does one live the blessed life? How do His words contrast with what the woman said?
3. In what ways does “hearing the word of God and keep[ing] it” serve as the antidote to the devastating situation described in vv. 24-26? Where in your life do you need to hear and keep God’s word?