

“Luke / Acts Week 41 – Oct. 7-11”

Categories: Luke / Acts Reading Plan

Monday – Acts 14:8-18 Paul and Barnabas at Lystra
1. After fleeing Iconium, the missionary duo come to the town of Lystra. Place yourself in the group, what are you seeing, experiencing, and thinking as the crowd surrounds Paul, Barnabas, and yourself?
2. Evaluate Paul and Barnabas’ desperate plea for the crowd to stop offering them worship.
3. People today are not apt to spontaneously offer sacrifices to others. However, in what ways are we faced with the temptation to be a “god” in another’s life or to take credit for what God has done?

Tuesday – Acts 14:19-20 Paul Stoned at Lystra
1. At first, the people of Lystra hailed Paul as a god, then, almost overnight they try to kill him. Why do you think the people turned against the apostle so quickly?
2. Despite all he has suffered (cf. 2 Cor 11:23-28), the persecutions of the first journey stick with Paul some twenty years later in 2 Tim 3:10-11. In your own words, restate Paul’s conclusion in vv. 12-13.  Describe a time when you have experienced this truth in your life, or saw it in the life of another?
3. Imagine what it would be like for a crowd of people to hit you with stones until you collapse unconscious, then drag you out of town, leaving you for dead. What would it take for you to pick yourself up and walk sixty-three miles to the next town (Derbe) to proclaim the gospel all over again?

Wednesday – Acts 14:21-28 Paul and Barnabas Strengthen the Converts
1. Rather than pressing forward, Paul and Barnabas decide to retrace their journey back to Antioch. Reflect on their parting encouragement to the new believers, “Continue in the faith [for] through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God.”
2. Before leaving each church, Paul and Barnabas appoint elders. Considering Tit 1:5-11 and 1 Pet 5:1-5 why are elders especially important to these churches? How important are elders to your congregation?
3. With their return to Antioch, Paul and Barnabas’ first missionary journey is complete. Briefly describe some of the successes, trials, and disappointments they encountered along the way.

Thursday – Acts 15:1; Gal 2:11-21 Hypocrisy at Antioch
1. Later, in his epistle to the Galatians (the area of the first missionary journey), Paul recounts a low point in the church at Antioch. Trace the events that nearly split the church in two.
2. In what ways are Peter’s, other Jewish believers in the church and even Barnabas’s actions “not in step with the truth of the gospel”? Elaborate on Paul’s rebuke of Peter and the rest who acted  hypocritically.
3. Why do you think small pressure groups in the church arouse such fear in the majority and even in the leadership? When have you given into pressure and acted insincerely out of fear of others?

Friday – Acts 15:1-5 Conflict Over Circumcision
1. False teachers suddenly appear and disrupt the tranquility of the church at Antioch. Summarize the argument of the false teachers. How does Paul, Barnabas, and the church handle the situation?
2. Luke says, there was no “no small dissension and debate” over this issue. In what ways can we navigate vigorous disagreements with grace and wisdom, while still upholding our convictions?
3. Originally, Barnabas is led astray by the false teachers (cf. Gal 2:13), but now he is vigorously defending the truth. What steps do you think he needed to take to rebuild trust and demonstrate his genuine commitment to the Gospel? Would you have struggled to forgive him? Explain.