

“Luke / Acts Week 33 – Aug 12-16”

Categories: Luke / Acts Reading Plan

Monday – Acts 4:13-22 The Name of Jesus Forbidden
1. After Peter’s speech, the Jewish leaders are left speechless. Identify any underlying motivations or fears that might be driving the Sanhedrin's order to Peter and John to stop speaking about Jesus?
2. Evaluate the apostles’ response in vv. 19-20. How does their reply to the Sanhedrin’s order and threats serve as an example for believers today who face opposition or persecution for their faith?
3. Peter and John resolutely refuse to tone down any part of the gospel message. Identify elements of the gospel that tend to offend people today. How do you navigate the temptation to soften God’s truths?

Tuesday – Acts 4:23-31 The Believers Pray for Boldness
1. From the opening line of the believer’s prayer, we see that their focus is on God’s sovereignty. List the various phrases they use to repeat this theme throughout their prayer.
2. In their prayer, the believers quote from Psalm 2, how does this Psalm provide them with a context for understanding the persecutions and framing their petitions?
3. The early church spends much time in communal prayer. How much emphasis do you put on praying with others in your personal life? In what ways can you imagine more communal prayer positively impacting your daily walk of faith?

Wednesday – Acts 4:32-37 They Had Everything in Common
1. What do you think it would have been like - as a person in need and as a person with possessions - to be a part of such a generous community as described in this passage?
2. One person stands out from the rest, Joseph, a Levite and a native of Cyprus whom the apostle’s nickname Barnabas. This suggests he possesses qualities beyond mere generosity. What other characteristics might have contributed to this moniker (which Luke uses throughout Acts)?
3. To emulate the extraordinary generosity displayed by the early church, what attitudes towards personal possessions and those in need should you cultivate?

Thursday – Acts 5:1-11 Ananias and Sapphira
1. For the first time since the defection of Judas, the community of believers in Jerusalem experience a serious internal problem. Detail Ananias and Sapphira’s transgression and delve into the possible motives behind their actions.
2. According to v. 11, “Great fear came upon the whole church and upon all who heard about these things.” How do you see this episode affecting the church? Outsiders? 
3. Read Matthew 6:1-4. What guidelines does Jesus provide for how to do your good deeds? What promises are made for those who violate Jesus’ words? Conversely, for those who keep them?

Friday – Acts 5:12-16 Many Signs and Wonders Done
1. Having focused on the inner life of the church, Luke now highlights the public ministry of the apostles. What is the tangible evidence of the power of the Holy Spirit in the events Luke records in this passage?
2. Explain the role the many miracles the apostles perform play in spreading the gospel (cf. Act 14:3)? Do you think miracles would be helpful today in spreading the gospel? Why or why not?
3. Luke notes that the early Christians are held in “high esteem” by the general populace. What difference does it make in church’s efforts today to be regarded with such respect? How does a church garner admiration from its community? In what ways can this admiration be lost?