

“Luke / Acts Week 32 – Aug 5-9”

Categories: Luke / Acts Reading Plan

Monday – Acts 2:42-47 The Fellowship of Believers
1. Luke concludes his Pentecost narrative with a portrait of the inner workings of the first Christian church. In your own words, summarize the culture and activities of the early church?
2. Imagine yourself as an early Christian in Jerusalem. Describe a typical day, what activities would fill your time, and what interactions might you have with fellow believers and others in the community?
3. Why do you think a devotion to these activities is critically important to the spiritual health of believers and a congregation? What risks do Christians and congregations face if anyone of these is neglected?

Tuesday – Acts 3:1-10 The Lame Beggar Healed
1. Shifting from a focus on the early church, Luke now presents a day in the life of Peter and John. Place yourself at the Beautiful Gate and describe what happens between Peter, John, and the lame man.
2. The beggar asks for money, but Peter and John address a deeper need. What is the relationship between the lame man’s physical healing and spiritual healing (ref. vv. 11-16; Luke 5:17-26)?
3. The formally lame man’s response to his healing is a picture of pure joy; he went “walking and leaping and praising God” (v. 8). What role does joy play in the life of a Christian? How can we cultivate and maintain that initial joy of salvation throughout our journey of faith?

Wednesday – Acts 3:11-26 Peter Speaks in Solomon’s Portico
1. In the shade of Solomon’s Portico, Peter once again preaches Jesus. What key points about Jesus does Peter emphasize in his impromptu sermon?
2. Peter concludes his sermon by emphasizing the importance of repentance. Identify the blessing that comes to those who repent.
3. Reflecting on Peter's sermon, identify one specific thought that resonated with you. Why does this message hold significance in your life? Write down the name of a friend or family member who doesn't know Jesus and share with them what you've learned.

Thursday – Acts 4:1-4 Peter and John Arrested
1. The apostles heal a lame man and simply preach in the temple. Specifically, what actions or messages from the apostles upset the religious leaders, and how did the leaders respond?
2. As you picture the authorities approaching the two apostles, how do imagine the encounter? Identify the emotions or thoughts going through their minds as they are led away and spend the night in a cell.
3. Despite witnessing Peter and John’s arrest by the religious authorities, the crowd still embraces faith in Jesus. Why does persecution fortify the faith of some but destroy the faith of others (cf. Luk 8:6, 13)?

Friday – Acts 4:5-12 Peter and John Address the Sanhedrin
1. First Jesus was on trial, not it’s the apostles. The authorities demand to know, “By what power or by what name did you [heal the lame man]?” What do you think is the Sanhedrin’s motivation for their question?
2. How does Peter's Holy Spirit-inspired response (cf. Luk 12:11-12; 24:12-15), which boldly proclaims Jesus as the source of the miracle, challenge the authority and beliefs of the Sanhedrin?
3. Peter brings his speech to a dramatic conclusion with his declaration, “There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (v. 12). How does this truth shape your faith and your approach to declaring the gospel to others?