

“Luke / Acts Week 30 – July 22-26”

Categories: Luke / Acts Reading Plan

Monday – Luke 24:36-49 Jesus Appears to His Disciples
1. No sooner do the two travelers to Emmaus return with the news that Jesus is alive than the Lord Himself appears to the group of disciples. Note they were “startled and frightened,” why do you think they reacted this way?
2. Luke compresses the timeline of forty-days from Jesus’ resurrection to ascension into one scene (Act 1:3). Outline the different proofs Jesus offers the disciples to prove He is resurrected and alive.
3. Look at vv. 36-49 as a seeker sincerely examining the facts about Jesus’ resurrection. Which facts or implications intrigue you? Which puzzles you?

Tuesday – Luke 24:50-53 The Ascension
1. Luke ends his gospel with Jesus’ ascension to heaven. What do you think the last walk together is like for the disciples?
2. As He ascends, Jesus blesses (prays) His followers. In your own words, write out what you imagine Him saying, the tone of His voice, and the look on His face.
3. Returning to Luke’s Dedication to Theophilus (1:1-4), how has reading the third gospel helped you have “certainty concerning the things you have been taught”?

Wednesday – Acts 1:1-5 Luke’s Prologue to Acts
1. Combining the prologues for the Gospel of Luke and Acts, what does Luke say his twin works are meant to do for Theophilus? In what ways do these purposes resonate with you
2. What is significant about the fact that Jesus shows Himself to the apostles and gives many convincing proofs that He is alive?
3. The mission of the apostles and early church is to take the gospel message to their neighbors and beyond. How well are you fulfilling your Jesus-given mission of spreading the gospel? Your local church? Reflect on what you hope to gain from reading Acts to better empower your evangelism. 

Thursday – Acts 1:6-11 The Ascension
1. Forty days following His resurrection, Jesus ascends to heaven. Identify the mission He gives the disciples. What, according to the angels, should be their motivation for keeping Jesus’ command?
2. Picture yourself as one of the apostles witnessing Jesus’ ascension into heaven. What do you see, hear, think, say, feel, etc.? Using Dan 7:13-14; Rev 5:1-14, describe heaven’s jubilee when Jesus returns.
3. The primary way that Jesus equips the apostles is the promise of the Holy Spirit. What is going to be the result of the Holy Spirit coming on them (ref. John 16:5-15)?

Friday – Acts 1:12-14 The Disciples Gathered in Prayer
1. Instead of passively waiting, the apostles act, first through prayer. What do you think drove this small band of believers to devote themselves to intense prayer?
2. From your perspective, why is group prayer vitally important in the life of a Christian and a congregation?
3. Luke notes everyone in the room from the eleven apostles (sans Judas Iscariot) to the women (cf. Luk 8:1-3; 23:55-24:11) to Jesus’ mother Mary, and His brothers (cf. Mrk 3:20-21; Jhn 7:5). Reflect on the events that brought them to this room together. How amazing is it that they could pray together?