

“Luke / Acts Week 29 – July 15-19”

Categories: Luke / Acts Reading Plan

Monday – Luke 23:44-49 The Death of Jesus
1. Each gospel records the darkness over the land from the “sixth hour” (12:00 PM) until the “ninth hour” (3:00 PM). This is longer than any eclipse, so it is certainly miraculous! How can you imagine the difference between the sounds of nature and the crowd, during these three hours of darkness?
2. After Jesus breathes His last, the crowds who had come together to watch this seem to depart sorrowfully as they “beat their breasts” while leaving. Why do you think they are all so distressed?
3. Jesus' final words on the cross are "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” In His final moments, Jesus completely entrusts Himself to God. How will you place your full trust in God this week?

Tuesday – Luke 23:50-56 Jesus is Buried
1. Each of the gospels record Joseph of Arimathea asking Pilate for Jesus’ body and preparing His body for the tomb (cf. Mat 27:58-60; Mrk 15:42-46; Jhn 19:38-42). Consider, how might this conversation have sounded? How might his act have been interpreted by his fellow council members?
2. Before preparing the spices and perfumes, the women see not just that Jesus’ body is laid, but how it is laid. How might this small detail impact the memory they carry with them? 3. Joseph is described as someone “waiting for the kingdom of God.” At the same time, he is taking action to honor the body of Jesus. How can you, today, take care of the body of Jesus while waiting for the coming of the Kingdom of God? (consider Col 1:24)

Wednesday – Luke 24:1-12 The Resurrection
1. The pinnacle moment of our faith is Christ Arose! In what ways does this great event elevate the importance of the “First Day of the Week”?
2. The fact that a man is resurrected cuts against the grain of ancient thinking (cf. Act 17:30-32). Read and outline Paul’s defense of the resurrection in 1 Corinthians 15.
3. Mary Magdalene, and the other women, have no special title, yet they play a crucial role in spreading the news of the resurrection. Why is it important we all share the good news of Jesus’ resurrection?

Thursday – Luke 24:13-27 On the Road to Emmaus
1. Only Luke and Mark (16:12) mention the fascinating narrative about two journeying from Jerusalem to Emmaus. It is only a trip of seven miles, but given their mood how do you imagine the walk going?
2. Then the resurrected Jesus joins the travelers, how do you imagine the journey changing as He interprets for them from the “Scriptures the things concerning Himself”?
3. When have you found yourself “foolish and slow of heart” to believe the Scriptures? How did the Lord open your eyes to His truths?

Friday – Luke 24:28-35 The Disciple’s Eyes Opened
1. Jesus finally reveals Himself to Cleopas and his companion through the breaking of the bread. How is Jesus revealed to you and the church through His memorial supper? (cf. 1 Cor 11:23-26)
2. What is the immediate response of the two upon recognizing that it is Jesus explaining the scriptures to them? How do you imagine the return journey back to Jerusalem?
3. Though these two spent all this close time with Jesus, it isn’t until He is gone, that they recognize Him! When was a time in your life when, looking back, you recognize Jesus’ presence through it all?