

“Luke / Acts Week 27 – July 1-5”

Categories: Luke / Acts Reading Plan

Monday – Luke 22:39-46 Jesus Prays on the Mount of Olives
1. As Jesus draws nearer to the hour of His sacrifice, feelings and emotions surrounding the situation are high. How would you describe the intense emotions Jesus is facing?
2. Why do you think Jesus instructs His disciples to stay awake and pray? Theorize about the temptations Jesus’ disciples may be facing.
3. Jesus knows what lies ahead and highlights the importance of spiritual preparation for difficult times. How can you prepare yourself for challenges to your faith?

Tuesday – Luke 22:47-53 Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus
1. Only minutes earlier, Jesus was in “agony” over His impending death (vv. 39-46) now He faces an armed mob. In a word or two, describe how Jesus relates to each individual/group during His arrest.
2. How do the eleven apostles react when they realize the mob is there to arrest Jesus? Considering Jesus’ teachings (Luk 6:27-36; 9:22-27; 22:22-38), what does that reaction demonstrate about their characters and understanding of Jesus?
3. Why do you think Jesus can handle the moment of crisis with courage, while the apostles cannot? Identify two or three lessons you can take from Jesus’ actions in this scene.

Wednesday – Luke 22:54-62 Peter Denies Jesus
1. Only a few hours after Peter swore his ready-to-die-with-you loyalty to Jesus (vv. 31-34), he makes an about-face. Trace out the events of Peter’s three denials of Jesus. What mix of motives do you think brings Peter into the high priest’s courtyard yet keeps him from acknowledging his relationship to Jesus?
2. “And the Lord turned and looked at Peter. Then Peter remembered… and he went out and wept bitterly” are some of the most gut-wrenching words in Luke. How do you imagine the exchange of looks between Jesus and Peter?
3. When are you most tempted to be ashamed of Jesus or to deny following Him? What warnings and encouragement can you draw from Peter’s experience?

Thursday – Luke 22:63-65 Jesus Is Beaten and Mocked
1. Betrayed by a friend, denied by another, forsaken by ten more, the solitariness of Jesus is on full display in these few verses. As you imagine the mob beating and mocking Jesus, what goes through your mind?
2. On the Mount of Olives, Jesus asks the Father for strength to go willingly to His death (vv. 39-46). What evidence from His arrest, His beating (and looking ahead to His trial) indicates God is answering His prayer?
3. Using 1 Pet 4:12-16, elaborate on how Jesus’ suffering informs our own view of suffering for Jesus. How could you apply His example to your own situation? Ask God to enable you to live out these principles.

Friday – Luke 22:66-71 Jesus Before the Council
1. As daylight broke, Jesus is put on trial before the Jewish Council (Sanhedrin). Using Mat 26:57-68 and Mrk 14:53-65 flesh out Luke’s truncated account of this event.
2. How is Jesus, in contrast to His disciples, an example of the kind of discipleship He desires? 
3. Why should the council believe Jesus’ statement He was the Christ, the Son of God? What evidence does Luke provide for you to believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God (cf. Luk 1:1-4)?