

“Luke / Acts Week 23 – June 3-7”

Categories: Luke / Acts Reading Plan

Monday – Luke 18:31-34 Jesus Foretells His Death for a Third Time
1. For a third time Jesus warns of His impending death. While the first two warnings were in a public setting for all to hear (Luk 9:22, 44) on this occasion it’s just the twelve. Why do you think He gives this warning to just them and not everyone else?
2. What do you make of the twelve’s inability to comprehend what Jesus is saying?
3. Jesus knows the gruesome suffering awaiting Him, so why does He choose to journey toward Jerusalem (cf. Heb 12:1-2)? Write a word of praise for the Savior’s determination.

Tuesday – Luke 18:35-43 Jesus Heals the Blind Beggar
1. As Jesus enters Jericho, He’s surrounded by a large crowd of disciples and admirers. How does the crowd alert the blindman to something going on? Why do you think they try to silence him?
2. With a loud voice, the blind man called out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” What significance might this title hold to both the blind man and Jesus (cf. Isa 9:6-7; Luk 1:27, 32, 69; 2:11)?
3. How would you describe the attitude of the blind man? Consider, how might we cultivate this type of attitude in our own relationship with Christ?

Wednesday – Luke 19:1-10 Jesus and Zacchaeus
1. Write out a character sketch of Zacchaeus, first from the crowd’s perspective, then Jesus’. In what ways does this exercise inform the way you should view others?
2. Short Zacchaeus must look foolish sitting in a tree and straining to see Jesus. What is it about Jesus that Zacchaeus wants to see? How might this be different than what the others in the crowd want to see?
3. Think back to the Rich Ruler (Luke 18:18-30). Why do you think Jesus doesn’t command Zacchaeus to sell all he has and give it to the poor? How does this speak to the way you should view your possessions?

Thursday – Luke 19:11-27 The Parable of the Ten Minas
1. Jesus’ words in vv. 9-10 have inflamed the crowd’s messianic expectations. His parable aims to counter any false hopes with reality. How is this parable a description of what Jesus Himself is going through by interacting with the likes of Zacchaeus and coming to Jerusalem?
2. Summarize the king’s commission to his servants. When the day of reckoning comes, the servants are called one by one, how is each servant treated? Then the enemies? What point is Jesus making to the crowds with this teaching?
3. As a believer, you are one of the king’s servants. What are you doing with the things the Lord has put within your care? Would He be pleased with you? Why or why not?

Friday – Luke 19:28-40 The Triumphal Entry
1. What began in Luk 9:51 with Jesus “set[ting] His face to go to Jerusalem” now finds its completion. From Zec 9:9-13, what is Jesus proclaiming about Himself by the way He enters Jerusalem?
2. Place yourself in the crowd following Jesus, describe what you’re witnessing, hearing, and experiencing as the crowd ushers Jesus into the holy city.
3. Jesus comes as the fulfillment of the nation’s hopes, answering their longing for a king who would bring peace to the earth from Heaven. Yet, there are still grumblers. Why are the Pharisees anxious about this occasion? Elaborate on Jesus’ short, but direct, response.