

“Luke / Acts Week 20 – May 13-17”

Categories: Luke / Acts Reading Plan

Monday – Luke 16:1-13 The Parable of the Shrewd Manager
1. Moving from a parable of a son who squanders his inheritance (Luk 15:13), Jesus tells of a manager who wastes his master’s possessions. Trace the events of the shrewd manager from vv. 1-8a.
2. Jesus commends the manager’s shrewd solution for one reason: he uses money to win friends for himself in the world to which he is committed. From vv. 8b-12, summarize the application of this parable for believers.
3. With His final remarks, Jesus likens money to a trust, not a possession. Specifically, how would it look in your life to treat money as a trust from God, not as a possession to be idolized?

Tuesday – Luke 16:14-18 The Law and the Kingdom of God
1. The Pharisees, “who were lovers of money,” quickly ridicule Jesus’ teachings. Place yourself in the crowd, what sort of things do you hear the Pharisees saying?
2. Consider the sharp words Jesus has for the Pharisees, how does His answer refute the Pharisees’ ridicule (cf. Luk 20:47a), traditions (cf. Mrk 7:9-13), and practices (v. 18; cf. Mat 19:1-9)?
3. An alternate reading for v. 16 is, “the good news of the kingdom of God is preached, and everyone is forcefully urged into it.” In what ways is Jesus forcefully urging everyone into His kingdom? Why do many, like the Pharisees refuse His entreaty?

Wednesday – Luke 16:19-31 The Rich Man and Lazarus
1. Continuing His rebuke of the Pharisees, Jesus tells the story of a “certain rich man” and “Lazarus” (he whom God helps). How does the parable contrast the state of the two men before their deaths, at their burial, and after their deaths?
2. The rich man is a dramatic example of what happens when one uses God’s possessions wrongly. Why do you think the rich man ignored the plight of poor Lazarus?
3. In torment, the rich man wishes to spare his brothers from his mistakes. What do you make of the rich man’s request and Abraham’s response? How does v. 31 connect back to the admonition of vv. 16-18?

Thursday – Luke 17:1-4 Temptations to Sin
1. Turning back to the disciples, Jesus issues a stern warning on temptations. In your own words, restate vv. 1-2. How do you see the warnings about temptation to sin relating to Jesus’ teaching on forgiveness?
2. Jesus’ approach to forgiveness continues Luke’s theme of presenting Jesus as a Messiah that’s different from expectations (cf. Luk 9:18-22). Reflect on the nature of Jesus’ approach to forgiveness.
3. Jesus is the ultimate example of servanthood forgiveness. How is forgiving someone like making yourself their servant instead of their master?

Friday – Luke 17:5-6 Increase Our Faith
1. Upon hearing Jesus’ teaching on forgiveness (vv. 1-4), the apostles said to Him, “Increase our faith!” Why do you think they would emphatically ask for more faith?
2. Jesus’ comparison between a mustard seed and the mulberry tree is simple - a little faith can do great things. Too often this truth is applied to all sorts of things except its context! What is Jesus showing with this image regarding temptations and forgiveness?
3. Where do you need to apply a mustard seed-sized faith in forgiving someone?