“Luke / Acts Week 18 – Apr 29-May 3”
Categories: Luke / Acts Reading PlanMonday – Luke 13:18-21 The Mustard Seed and the Leaven
1. Continuing from vv. 10-17, Jesus speaks to the nature of His kingdom. What aspects of God’s kingdom does the deceptively small mustard seed and a little leaven emphasize?
2. Reflect on how Jesus’ parable of the kingdom brings hope to people like the healed woman and the crowd, but a warning to the likes of the synagogue ruler in vv. 10-17.
3. The kingdom continues to be a present power throughout the world. What are the practical implications of these two parables for your faith, work, and view of the power of the gospel?
Tuesday – Luke 13:22-30 The Narrow Door
1. As Jesus continues to travel toward Jerusalem (cf. Luk 9:51), someone asks Him about the number of those who will be saved. Instead of answering the question directly, what does Jesus do?
2. On what basis will some people try to enter the kingdom after it is too late? Explain in your own words what Jesus is getting at.
3. Evaluate the following statement, “Focusing on a few will be saved motivates us to stay on the straight and narrow, while focusing on many will be saved (cf. Mat 8:11-12) motivates our evangelism.” Do you agree or disagree? Explain.
Wednesday – Luke 13:31-35 Lament Over Jerusalem
1. Informed by some Pharisees that Herod seeks to kill Him, Jesus continues to Jerusalem where He will be killed. Why is Jesus not worried about Herod? How is the narrative that started back in Luk 9:51 still moving forward?
2. In the middle of a death threat, Jesus laments over Jerusalem. How is the tender compassion of Jesus on full display even for a people who will reject and kill Him?
3. Reflect on the picture of Jesus as a hen who protects her young under her wings (cf. Deu 32:11; Ruth 2:12; Psa 17:8; 91:4). What does this image suggest about Jesus’ relationship with you?
Thursday – Luke 14:1-6 Healing a Man on the Sabbath
1. For a third and last time, Jesus dines with a Pharisee (cf. Luk 7:36-50; 11:37-54). Why do you think Jesus keeps accepting these invitations when each meal is an unpleasant experience?
2. As Jesus enters the home, before Him is a man with dropsy (severe swelling of the legs and arms). Contrast how the Pharisees use this pitiful man with how Jesus treats him.
3. These Pharisees were willing to set aside their Sabbath rules for one of their sons or animals. If they would do this but disallow the healing of a stranger, what was wrong with their priorities? Do you sense Jesus challenging your priorities and religious traditions with His words? Explain.
Friday – Luke 14:7-11 The Parable of the Wedding Feast
1. With the meal commencing, Jesus watches as the Pharisees scramble to “choose the places of honor.” Place yourself in the scene, describe what you see as grown men jostle for position around the triclinium.
2. Jesus uses the wisdom of Pro 25:6-7a in His criticism of the Pharisees’ actions and attitudes, but He’s not speaking merely about table manners. What do you think is His point with this rebuke?
3. Why does the kingdom of God operate on the principle of, “For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted” (v. 11; cf. Luk 1:51-52; 18:14)?