

“Luke / Acts Week 12 – Mar 18-22”

Categories: Luke / Acts Reading Plan

Monday – Luke 9:43b-45 Jesus Again Foretells His Death
1. Jesus first predicts His rejection after Peter confesses Him as the Christ (Luk 9:18-22). As the disciples marvel at His power over demons (vv. 37-43a), Jesus again mentions His rejection. What might He be teaching the disciples by timing this second foretelling alongside this event?
2. Identify some factors you think keep the disciples from embracing the implications of a suffering Savior.
3. Why do you think they are afraid to ask Jesus about His rejection but aren’t afraid to argue about which one of them is the greatest (vv. 46-48)?

Tuesday – Luke 9:46-48 The Disciples Argue Who is the Greatest?
1. What do you find ironic with the disciples’ argument on the heels of the previous episodes? How do you imagine the argument sounding between the disciples?
2. Ancient culture has no romanticized notions about children. Summarize Jesus’ twin teachings with the child as His object lesson.
3. Note how Paul echoes Jesus’ teaching in Rom 12:3, 10, 16. When do you find these instructions difficult? Elaborate on several ways you will live out the truth of Jesus’ and Paul’s words. Be specific and challenge yourself. Pray for God to keep you humble and welcoming to others.

Wednesday – Luke 9:49-50 Anyone Not Against Us Is For Us
1. After being rebuked by Jesus for their one-upmanship, the disciples rebuke a man for casting out demons in Jesus’ name because he wasn’t “follow[ing] with us” (v. 49; cf. Luk 9:37-43). Evaluate their reasoning, why do you think the Twelve thought this way? When are you tempted to act the same way?
2. Jesus says, “Whoever is not against you is for you.” In what ways have you seen these words too narrowly and at times too broadly applied? How can you apply this truth to your life? To your congregation?
3. Looking back over vv. 43b-50, Luke highlights three of the disciples’ problems. What do you see as the root of these problems? What blind spots, or areas of spiritual immaturity, do you need to work on? 

Thursday – Luke 9:51-56 A Samaritan Village Rejects Jesus
1. With Luk 9:22, 30-31, 44 in mind, v. 51 takes on a solemn tone. Describe Jesus’ behavior and demeanor as the Samaritans – the Jew’s traditional enemy – reject Him because He is going to Jerusalem.
2. Jesus’ rebuke is succinct, “You do not know what manner of spirit you are of; for the Son of Man came not to destroy people’s lives but to save them” (v. 55). How do James’ and John’s attitudes contrast with Jesus’ behavior, His mission, and His earlier instructions (cf. Luk 9:5)?
3. Have you ever wanted to figuratively call fire down on people who dishonor Jesus or you? What attitudes do these desires reflect in your heart? Identify the attitudes Jesus would have you adopt.

Friday – Luke 9:57-62 The Cost of Following Jesus
1. On the road to Jerusalem, three would-be disciples approach Jesus. What preconditions does each set for following Jesus? Why do you think Jesus challenges each person’s stipulation for discipleship?
2. How do each of these preconditions – comforts, responsibilities, and attachments – still challenge would-be and professed disciples today? What type of follower is Jesus looking for (cf. Luk 9:23-24)? 
3. As you think about your journey of faith, when you’re tempted to look back instead of moving forward, what helps you move forward?