

“Luke / Acts Week 11 – Mar 11-15”

Categories: Luke / Acts Reading Plan

Monday – Luke 9:10-17 Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
1. After a busy missionary trip, the twelve surely want to rest (cf. Mrk 6:31)? How do you see them reacting to a large crowd following them? In contrast, describe Jesus’ reaction to the crowd.
2. We can understand the apostle’s reluctance to feed the hungry crowd, but Jesus persists. Observe His progressive steps to involve the twelve in feeding the people. What lessons is He teaching the twelve?
3. This miracle echoes many Old Testament accounts. Moses (Exd 16), Elijah (1 Kgs 17:8-16), and Elisha (2 Kgs 4:1-7) all miraculously fed people by the power of God. In what ways is feeding with actual physical bread such a powerful statement of what God does for us spiritually?

Tuesday – Luke 9:18-22 Peter Confesses Jesus as the Christ and Jesus Foretells His Death
1. Why do you think Jesus poses such a probing question to His disciples about His identity? What different views did people have about who He was (cf. vv. 7-9)?
2. Even though Peter correctly states, that Jesus is “The Christ of God” he and the disciples don’t comprehend the depths of this statement. What aspects of Christhood does Jesus want the disciples to understand?
3. Many think of Jesus as a great teacher, a historical figure, or a fraud. Answer His question: "Who do you say that I am?” Why?

Wednesday – Luke 9:23-27 Take Up Your Cross and Follow Jesus
1. Following Jesus is a costly endeavor. In your own words, summarize Jesus’ teaching on what it means to be His follower. Considering v. 22, what significance do you attach to His explanation of the cost associated with following Him?
2. Short of martyrdom, how might one seek to “save” their life or gladly “lose” their life? What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses or forfeits himself? 
3. How does Jesus’ explanation of what it means to follow Him, contradict with what you hear today about the Christian life? Think of one or two specific ways to deny yourself and take up your cross daily?

Thursday – Luke 9:28-36 The Transfiguration
1. Imagine you’re on the mountain witnessing this extraordinary event. What do you see and hear? How do you react? What questions fill your mind?
2. To what degree, if any, do you sense Jesus’ own need for His transfiguration, His conversation with Moses and Elijah, and the confirmation from the Father?
3. What do the disciples learn about Jesus by His transformed appearance, His conversation with Moses and Elijah and the voice from heaven, “This is My Chosen One, listen to Him” (cf. 2 Pet 1:16-18)?

Friday – Luke 9:37-43a Jesus Heals a Boy with an Unclean Spirit
1. All three Synoptic gospels follow the transfiguration with the healing of the demon-possessed boy (cf. Mat 17:1-21; Mrk 9:2-29). What connections do you see between these two scenes?
2. Reflecting on the father’s desperation, how do you picture him coming to the disciples for help and his disappointment when they couldn’t do anything?
3. Jesus is clearly exasperated with the disciples, “O faithless and twisted generation.” Earlier, the disciples were casting out demons (Luk 9:1-2, 6, 10) but using Mrk 9:28-29, explain why they could not help this desperate father? What role does prayer have in fortifying our faith in God to help others?