

“Luke / Acts Week 10 – Mar 4-8”

Categories: Luke / Acts Reading Plan

Monday – Luke 8:22-25 Jesus Calms a Storm
1. At least four disciples are experienced fishermen (cf. Luk 5:1-11), yet this storm sends a shiver up their spine. As you picture this scene, what do you imagine the disciples doing? Saying? Thinking? Why do you think Jesus is asleep amid the commotion?
2. Adding Mrk 4:38 to our reading, the disciples interpret Jesus’ sleep as a sign of indifference, “Don’t you care?” In what ways can you relate to their fear? How is their accusation and distress a lack of faith?
3. After witnessing Jesus still the storm with a mere word, the disciples question their own understanding of Jesus. When have you realized you didn’t know Jesus as well as you thought? What did it lead to?

Tuesday – Luke 8:26-39 Jesus Heals a Man with a Demon
1. As Jesus and the disciples disembark in Gentile area, they are immediately met by a demon-possessed man. Evaluate the man’s condition and actions.
2. Jesus solves the townspeople’s problem by healing the demon-possessed man, yet they fearfully beg Him to leave their region. What might be their reasons? Why do you think Jesus didn’t argue with them?
3. At the end of the incident, Jesus seems to reverse course. For the first time, He tells someone to go and tell others about their healing. Write out the man’s commission. In what ways can you adopt Jesus’ words for yourself?

Wednesday – Luke 8:40-56 Jesus Heals a Woman and Jairus’ Daughter
1. Back in home territory, a large crowd follows Jesus as He goes to help a young girl. Describe the woman who secretly touches Jesus. Why do you think He makes the woman reveal herself?
2. Delayed, word comes that the young girl has died. Why do you think Jesus feels the need to encourage Jairus not to fear, but to believe? How is fear a powerful tempter to abandon our hope in Jesus?
3. Each of the miracles in Luk 8:22-56 highlights the distinction between fear and faith. Which person(s) in these accounts do you sympathize with the most? Why? Where do you need Jesus’ exhortations, “Where is your faith?” and “Do not fear; only believe”?

Thursday – Luke 9:1-6 Jesus Sends Out the 12 Apostles
1. Calling the twelve apostles to Himself, Jesus sends them out, multiplying His ministry. How does the mission of the Twelve relate to Jesus own mission (cf. 4:17-19; 7:22-23; 8:1)?
2. Jesus warns them that they will not always be warmly received. Summarize their expected experience. Reflect on how rejection can either bolster or break one’s faith. What makes the difference?
3. According to Mrk 16:16-20 and Heb 2:1-4, the miraculous gifts are given to confirm the word as it is preached. Do we need to see miracles today to confirm the validity of the Word? Why or why not?

Friday – Luke 9:7-9; Mark 6:19-29 Herod is Perplexed by Jesus and the Death of John the Baptist
1. Herod the tetrarch thinking that John has risen from the dead, follows the account of Jesus sending out the Twelve. Why do you suppose Luke connects the two scenes together?
2. Using Mrk 6:19-29, trace the events that lead to John’s beheading.
3. Even though Herod fears and listens to John, he orders the prophet’s beheading. What does this reveal about Herod’s character? When does the pressure to please people override your desire to obey God? List the steps you will take to obey God rather than peer pressure.