“Luke / Acts Week 9 – Feb 26-Mar 1”
Categories: Luke / Acts Reading PlanMonday – Luke 7:36-50 A Sinful Woman is Forgiven
1. Place yourself in the scene of this dinner party, what do you see, hear, sense, and experience as Jesus is slighted from customary hospitality and as the woman silently enters and begins to wash Jesus’ feet?
2. What must the Pharisee have thought about God, sin, and righteousness to think the way he does as he watches in disgust as the woman washes Jesus’ feet?
3. In your own words, paraphrase the meaning of Jesus’ parable about the two debtors. How does His story relate to the woman, Simon, and Himself? What practical ways can you show the Lord love for the forgiveness you’ve been shown?
Tuesday – Luke 8:1-3 Women Accompany Jesus
1. Jesus radically departures from Rabbinic tradition: women are traveling with His band of disciples. What are your observations about these women?
2. Luke alone records the scenes of A Sinful Woman is Forgiven and Women Accompany Jesus. In what ways do you think the treatment of the sinful woman, inspire many other women to follow Jesus?
3. Looking ahead at the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus (Luk 23:49, 55-24:11), observe how these women show their devotion to Jesus. In what ways does their example challenge your devotion to Him?
Wednesday – Luke 8:4-15 The Parable of the Sower
1. Jesus now introduces His well-known teaching tool, the parable. Why does He speak to the crowd in parables? What kind of person does God enable to understand the secrets of the kingdom?
2. Elaborate on the main point(s) Jesus is communicating in the Parable of the Sower to the crowds who flock to Him and to His disciples who follow Him.
3. In contrast to the first three soils, Jesus says little about the fourth soil. He simply states it was “good.” But you don’t need to be an expert gardener to know what makes plants thrive. What is necessary? How do the physical needs of plants reflect spiritual needs of your faith?
Thursday – Luke 8:16-18 A Lamp Under a Jar
1. Jesus’ next parable is given to the disciples alone (cf. vv. 4, 9). Reflect on how followers of Jesus are to be like lamps on a stand. List several truths that should enlighten your life and those around you.
2. When are you tempted to hide the light of Jesus’ teachings? List several truths you’re tempted to hide.
3. How can Jesus’ promise and warning motivate you to carefully listen to and shine forth His teachings? Pray for a heart that fully embraces the Lord’s words and gives light to all around you.
Friday – Luke 8:19-21 Jesus’ Mother and Brothers
1. Using Mrk 3:31-35 and Jhn 7:3-5 as sources, why is Jesus’ mother and brothers wanting to see Him? Do their actions surprise you? Explain.
2. Family is enormously important in Jewish culture, so Jesus’ statement in v. 21 is shocking but He’s not saying family is unimportant. Rather, He makes a further point about hearing His word (vv. 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18). Write out Jesus’ redefining of His family.
3. Home is not the easiest place to put God’s Word into practice, as Jesus well knew. Why must we choose Him over all earthly ties (cf. Luk 12:49-53; 14:25-27)? What are the implications of Jesus’ new definition of family for His disciples (cf. Luk 18:29-30)?