

“Luke / Acts Week 4 – Jan 22-26”

Categories: Luke / Acts Reading Plan

Monday – Luke 4:16-30 Jesus Rejected at Nazareth
1. After making the point of Jesus ministering in Galilee (vv. 14-15), Luke now zooms in to look at His message in Nazareth. Summarize the message Jesus proclaims in His hometown.
2. After declaring the fulfillment of Isaiah 61:1-2a in Himself, the Nazarenes’ question how Jesus can say this. Who do they think Jesus is? Why is their error crucial, considering the proclamation Jesus makes?
3. Observe the Nazarenes’ swift-changing attitudes toward Jesus, from praise at first, to fury when He mentions episodes from Elijah and Elisha. How do you account for the change? What impresses you most about the way Jesus passes through the midst of the violent crowd?

Tuesday – 1 Kings 17:8-24 The Widow of Zarephath
1. Mentioned by Jesus in Nazareth (Luk 4:25-26), trace the events that led to Elijah going to a Gentile widow of Zarephath, in the land of Sidon (ref. 1 Kgs 16:29-17:7).
2. On the brink of starvation, why do you think the widow honors Elijah’s requests? Identify any principles for living by faith in her actions?
3. How does Jesus use the experience of Elijah going to the gentile widow in Luke 4:24-26 to illustrate Jewish rejection and Gentile acceptance of Him and His gospel (cf. Acts 18:5-6; 28:23-28)?

Wednesday – 2 Kings 5:1-14 Naaman Healed of Leprosy
1. Mentioned by Jesus in Nazareth (Luk 4:27), trace the events that led to the Syrian general, Naaman, to Elisha and the one true God of Israel. (Note any evangelism principles you see in this episode.)
2. Why is Naaman reluctant to wash in the Jordan? How does his faithful obedience lead to his cleansing? In what ways do you see his washing in the Jordan prefiguring baptism for believers today (Tit 3:4-7)?
3. How does Jesus use the experience of the gentile Naaman coming to Elisha in Luke 4:35 to illustrate Jewish rejection and Gentile acceptance of Him and His gospel (cf. Acts 22:17-23)?

Thursday – Luke 4:31-37 Jesus Heals a Man with an Unclean Demon
1. Following His rejection in Nazareth, Jesus moves to Capernaum. Put yourself in the synagogue that day, describe the people as they listen to Jesus teach and witness Him cast out the demon.
2. In this scene, Luke emphasizes the authority of Jesus’ word. What makes His teaching authoritative? How does healing the man with an unclean demon further emphasize the authoritative power of His word?
3. Luke concludes this scene by stating, “reports about Him went out into every place.” Reflect on how the authoritatively, powerful word of Jesus is transforming your life. Who in your life needs to hear your report on the words of Jesus? Prayerfully make your plans to talk with them.

Friday – Luke 4:38-41 Jesus Heals Many
1. Leaving the synagogue, Jesus goes to Simon’s (Peter) house where his mother-in-law is sick. How do you imagine his tone and words as he appeals to Jesus to heal the sick woman? In what ways does knowing that the apostle Peter had familial concerns encourage you (wife, 1 Cor 9:5; son, 1 Pet 5:13)?
2. Write as many adjectives as you can think of, to describe Jesus repeatedly laying “His hands” on the sick. 
3. After the demons proclaim, “You are the Son of God!” (also: v. 34), Jesus would not allow them to speak. What might be some of the reasons Jesus silences the demons from further declarations (see also: vv. 34-35)?