Luke / Acts Week 18 – Apr 29-May 3
Monday, April 29, 2024Monday – Luke 13:18-21 The Mustard Seed and the Leaven
1. Continuing from vv. 10-17, Jesus speaks to the nature of His kingdom. What aspects of God’s kingdom does the deceptively small mustard seed and a little leaven emphasize?
2. Reflect on how Jesus’ parable of the kingdom brings hope to people like the healed woman and the crowd, but a warning to the likes of the synagogue ruler in vv. 10-17.
3. The kingdom continues to be a present power throughout the world. What are the practical implications of these two parables for your faith, work, and view of the power of the gospel?
Tuesday – Luke 13:22-30 The Narrow Door
1. As Jesus continues to travel toward Jerusalem (cf. Luk 9:51), someone asks Him about the number of those who will be saved. Instead of answering the question directly, what does Jesus do?
2. On what basis will some people try to enter the kingdom after it is too late? Explain in your own words what Jesus is getting at.
3. Evaluate the following statement, “Focusing on a few will be saved motivates us to stay on the straight and narrow, while focusing on many will be saved (cf. Mat 8:11-12) motivates our evangelism.” Do you agree or disagree? Explain.
Wednesday – Luke 13:31-35 Lament Over Jerusalem
1. Informed by some Pharisees that Herod seeks to kill Him, Jesus continues to Jerusalem where He will be killed. Why is Jesus not worried about Herod? How is the narrative that started back in Luk 9:51 still moving forward?
2. In the middle of a death threat, Jesus laments over Jerusalem. How is the tender compassion of Jesus on full display even for a people who will reject and kill Him?
3. Reflect on the picture of Jesus as a hen who protects her young under her wings (cf. Deu 32:11; Ruth 2:12; Psa 17:8; 91:4). What does this image suggest about Jesus’ relationship with you?
Thursday – Luke 14:1-6 Healing a Man on the Sabbath
1. For a third and last time, Jesus dines with a Pharisee (cf. Luk 7:36-50; 11:37-54). Why do you think Jesus keeps accepting these invitations when each meal is an unpleasant experience?
2. As Jesus enters the home, before Him is a man with dropsy (severe swelling of the legs and arms). Contrast how the Pharisees use this pitiful man with how Jesus treats him.
3. These Pharisees were willing to set aside their Sabbath rules for one of their sons or animals. If they would do this but disallow the healing of a stranger, what was wrong with their priorities? Do you sense Jesus challenging your priorities and religious traditions with His words? Explain.
Friday – Luke 14:7-11 The Parable of the Wedding Feast
1. With the meal commencing, Jesus watches as the Pharisees scramble to “choose the places of honor.” Place yourself in the scene, describe what you see as grown men jostle for position around the triclinium.
2. Jesus uses the wisdom of Pro 25:6-7a in His criticism of the Pharisees’ actions and attitudes, but He’s not speaking merely about table manners. What do you think is His point with this rebuke?
3. Why does the kingdom of God operate on the principle of, “For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted” (v. 11; cf. Luk 1:51-52; 18:14)?
Luke / Acts Week 17 – Apr 22-26
Monday, April 22, 2024Monday – Luke 12:49-53 No Peace But Division
1. As Jesus travels closer toward Jerusalem, the cross looms larger and larger on His mental horizon (cf. Luk 9:51). Write several adjectives to describe the tone you imagine Jesus using in this scene.
2. Even though peace is announced at Jesus birth (Luk 2:13-14), He now says “Do you think I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division.” In what ways is Jesus challenging common understandings about His mission and message? How would you explain this to a friend?
3. Following Jesus may strain family relationships and loyalties. Recount a time when following Jesus brought division in your life. While division is not the goal, why should you willingly risk such tensions (cf. vv. 8-12)?
Tuesday – Luke 12:54-59 Interpreting the Time and Settle with Your Accuser
1. Why do people care enough about the weather to predict and prepare for it but not for eternity?
2. In your own words, apply Jesus’ parable on settling a personal debt before it goes to trial to a person’s spiritual condition (cf. Mat 6:12; Luk 7:36-50).
3. What relevance might Jesus’ rebuke and counsel have for you, living nearly two thousand years after the events that have happened that Jesus is referring to (cf. 2 Pet 3:1-13)?
Wednesday – Luke 13:1-5 Repent or Perish
1. Prompted by Jesus’ previous statements (vv. 54-59), someone in the crowd remarks about a recent tragedy involving Galilean worshipers. What basic assumption underpins their telling of the story (cf. Jhn 9:1-5)?
2. Instead of speaking about political issues, Jesus turns the incident into an opportunity to tell of another tragedy and issues a warning. In your own words, elaborate on His warning.
3. Reflect on why judging others as sinful (or at least less-than-spiritual) is easier than checking your spiritual condition (Luk 6:37-42). How can you overcome this tendency?
Thursday – Luke 13:6-9 The Parable of the Barren Fig Tree
1. Furthering the discussion on a faithful response to other’s tragedies (vv. 1-5), Jesus tells the parable of the Barren Fig Tree. Unpack the details of the story.
2. What does the parable tell you about the response the Lord desires from His people? God’s judgment and patience through Jesus? What are the results of responding to or not responding to God’s grace?
3. How does this parable amplify Jesus’ previous statement, “Unless you repent, you will all likewise perish” (vv. 3, 5)? Where in your life do you need to bear the fruit of repentance (cf. Luk 3:7-9)?
Friday – Luke 13:10-17 A Woman with a Disabling Spirit is Healed
1. For the last time in Luke’s gospel, Jesus is teaching in a synagogue on the Sabbath day (4:14-30, 31-37, 44; 6:6-11). Describe the woman who catches His eye as He teaches and what He does for her.
2. Hypocrisy is a recurring theme in Jesus’ words for His people, (cf. Luk 12:1-3, 56). How did the synagogue rulers show hypocrisy in their attitudes toward people, animals, Jesus, and the Sabbath?
3. In what ways is Jesus doing for this woman what He longs to do for you, your friends, family, and neighbors? How can you avoid being a hindrance to His work? How can you join Him in loosening others from the grip of Satan?
Luke / Acts Week 16 – April 15-19
Monday, April 15, 2024Monday – Luke 12:4-7 Have No Fear
1. Jesus must now prepare His disciples for later persecutions. In what ways does the journey to Jerusalem, (that started back in 9:51; cf. 9:21-27, 43b-45), cast a shadow over His instructions here?
2. Elaborate on Jesus’ differentiation between the wrong kind of fear and the proper kind of fear.
3. Reflect on how the illustrations of sparrows and hairs should encourage you to shun hypocrisy (vv. 1- 3), and fearlessly proclaim your faith (vv. 8-12) even in the face of opposition?
Tuesday – Luke 12:8-12 Acknowledge Christ before Men
1. In your own words, summarize Jesus’ teaching about confessing Him or denying Him.
2. Peter disowns Jesus three times (Luk 22:31-34, 54-62), and yet he is not only welcomed back into the fold (Jhn 21:15-19) but becomes a leader of the church (cf. Act 1:15; 2:14). What, then, is the overall force of Jesus warning? How does it apply to disciples today?
3. It’s been said, “There are no secret disciples. Either the secret will destroy the disciple, or the disciple will destroy the secret.” When are you tempted to deny Jesus by outright denial or by remaining silent about being His disciple? What steps will you take to boldly proclaim your allegiance to Christ?
Wednesday – Luke 12:13-21 The Parable of the Rich Fool
1. While Jesus is discussing the dangers of hypocrisy and succumbing to persecution, a man interrupts him. What does the man want? Why do you think he interrupts Jesus?
2. While Jesus refuses to judge between the two brothers, He does speak to the man’s motivation in v. 15. How does the parable of the Rich Fool illustrate the truth “that one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possession”?
3. Applying Jesus’ conclusion in v. 21, when are you tempted to horde treasure for yourself? Define what it means to be “rich toward God.” Reflect on how this helps overcome “all kinds of covetousness” (v. 15).
Thursday – Luke 12:22-34 Do Not Be Anxious
1. Turning to His disciples, Jesus instructs them to “not be anxious” about what they will eat or wear. In context, how is worrying about such things related to not being ready for the Lord’s return (vv. 35- 48), greed (vv.13-21), not acknowledging God (vv. 8-12), fearing man (vv. 4-7), and hypocrisy (vv. 1- 3)?
2. List as many reasons as you can for why, according to Jesus, worrying about your life is unnecessary. How does worry dishonor our God who cares for His children?
3. Sometimes we make life much harder than it needs to be. What are the similarities and differences between the anxieties of Jesus’ day and the anxieties exhibited today among disciples? Reflect on all the ways trusting God instead of worrying for these things, frees you to “seek His kingdom.”
Friday – Luke 12:35-48 You Must Be Ready
1. Moving from teachings on worry, Jesus now directs the disciples to “Stay dressed for action” (v. 35). In your own words, summarize the parables Jesus tells to emphasize the need for a state of readiness.
2. Meditate on v. 48, and consider what material goods, abilities, knowledge, and responsibilities you have been given. How will you use these to store up treasures in heaven?
3. If you knew Jesus would return next week, to what degree, if any, would it change your agenda for the next few days? Explore how your answer aligns with Jesus’ teaching on being ready at any moment.
Luke / Acts Week 15 – Apr 8-12
Monday, April 08, 2024Monday – Luke 11:29-32; Jonah 3:1-10 The Sign of Jonah
1. Going back to v. 16, the crowd is demanding a sign from Jesus to prove He is the Messiah. Why might the request for a sign be met with such resounding condemnation from Jesus?
2. With Jonah 3 as the backdrop, what comparisons is Jesus making between Himself and Jonah? Those faithlessly demanding a sign and the Ninevites?
3. The point of Jesus’ use of Jonah is that we must respond to God’s truth by faith. How can you avoid the mindset that is constantly wanting “a sign” that proves Jesus is the Messiah, or His way is the best?
Tuesday – Luke 11:31; 1 Kings 10:1-13 The Sign of the Queen of Sheba
1. Jesus’ second illustration comes from the Queen of Sheba. In your own words, trace the events of the Queen’s visit with Solomon? Note her impression of God because of Solomon’s wisdom and wealth.
2. With 1 Kgs 10:1-13 as the backdrop, what comparisons is Jesus making between Himself and Solomon? Those faithlessly demanding a sign and the Queen of Sheba?
3. It was highly insulting to Jewish sensibilities to say Gentiles – the Ninevites and the Queen – were wiser than the current generation. When, in defense of the gospel, is the use of such cutting language acceptable? Or should this only be reserved for the likes of Jesus? Explain your answer.
Wednesday – Luke 11:33-36 The Light is in You
1. Jesus again compares the message of the kingdom to light (cf. Luk 8:16-18). What does the image of a lamp on a stand say about the availability of the gospel to Jesus’ hearers? To you?
2. Proverbially, Jesus draws upon healthy eyes (sighted) and bad eyes (blinded) to illustrate deeper spiritual truths (cf. Luk 10:21-24). What choices lead a person into or out of spiritual blindness?
3. Once illumined by the light of Jesus, summarize the responsibilities Mat 5:14-16 places upon the disciples? How are you a light to those around you? List any areas in which your light may be hidden. In what ways will you change, so the light of Jesus can shine more brightly through you?
Thursday – Luke 11:37-54 Woe to the Pharisees and Lawyers
1. Luke alone records Jesus eating with Pharisees (cf. 7:36-50; 14:1-24). Place yourself around the triclinium, how do you imagine the scene as Jesus pronounces a series of woes on the religious leaders?
2. The issue at hand is not washing for hygienic purposes but for ritual purity. In what ways were the Pharisees like dishes washed only on the outside but dirty on the inside?
3. Earlier, Jesus described the conflict between light and darkness (vv. 33-36). Based on the woes Jesus pronounces on the Pharisees, what are some indicators of a life full of darkness? By implication, what would a life “full of light” look like?
Friday – Luke 12:1-3 Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees
1. The crowds that follow Jesus are large and often unorderly (cf. Mrk 3:9; Luk 8:45). Why do you think Jesus chooses this moment to teach the disciples on the topic of hypocrisy?
2. In what ways is hypocrisy like leaven (yeast)? Looking ahead to vv. 4-7, what fears might lead to a disciple adopting the hypocritical tendencies of the Pharisees (cf. vv. 37-54)?
3. Elaborate on Jesus’ warning in vv. 2-3, why is hypocrisy dangerously foolish? Where in your faith do you struggle with living an authentic faith? Pray to the Lord about your struggles.
Luke / Acts Week 14 – Apr 1-5
Monday, April 01, 2024Monday – Luke 11:1-4 The Lord’s Prayer
1. In his gospel, Luke constantly shows Jesus as a man of prayer (ref. 3:21; 5:16; 6:12; 9:18, 28-29; 22:32, 40-41, 44-45). Why do you think His habit of prayer sparked the disciples’ interest?
2. That we have two versions of the Lord’s Prayer (cf. Mat 6:9-13), shows us the issue is not the prayer’s exact wording, but its themes. Elaborate on the themes you find in Jesus’ model prayer.
3. The disciples’ request is “Lord teach us to pray” – that is the habit of prayer. In what ways does knowing what to pray for help in developing the habit of prayer? How does the promise of Rom 8:26 also help?
Tuesday – Luke 11:5-13 Keep Asking, Seeking, Knocking
1. The disciples’ request is “Lord teach us to pray.” First, Jesus teaches them what to say, next through two pictures with commentary He strongly urges them to pray with boldness. There are all sorts of ways in which God is not like the sleepy friend, but on what point of comparison is Jesus focusing?
2. In your own words, what does the example of God as a generous Father teach about His character?
3. What five words would you use to describe your current prayer life? Looking over vv. 1-13, what are two or three principles you can apply from this passage to strengthen your prayer life?
Wednesday – Luke 11:14-23 Jesus and Beelzebul
1. Imagine being part of the crowd witnessing Jesus expel the mute-demon. Describe what you see and hear from Jesus, the demon-possessed man, the crowd, and the naysayers.
2. Skeptical, Jesus’ critics charge Him with being in league with “Beelzebul, the prince of demons” (a Jewish name for Satan). How does Jesus point out their illogical position? In what ways does Jesus’ further claim strengthen or clarify His argument?
3. Every person is either helping Jesus or hindering Him. Considering v. 23, describe how one gathers with Jesus and scatters against Him. Where are you on the gathering-scattering spectrum?
Thursday – Luke 11:24-26 Return of An Unclean Spirit
1. Building off the pervious scene (vv. 14-23), Jesus talks about a person who experiences release from a demon but is again overcome. Outline the events of Jesus’ parabolic teaching.
2. The point of the parable is to warn of the devastating consequences of experiencing God’s work only to fail to fill one’s life with faith. What advice would you give a new Christian on how to fill themselves with God? To what degree do you follow your own advice? Why or why not?
3. Jesus’ conclusion, “the last state of that person is worse than the first” is a repeated biblical refrain (cf. Jhn 5:14; Heb 6:4-8; 10:26-31; 2 Pet 2:20-22). Why are those who experience God’s truth and blessings but don’t fill their lives with Him, worse off than before?
Friday – Luke 11:27-28 True Blessedness
1. In the middle of Jesus correcting His critics and His parabolic teaching on demons (vv. 14-26), a woman unexpectedly interrupts with praise for Jesus and His mother. Why do you think she does this?
2. Nearly everyone is concerned with living the abundant life, their best life, or the good life. For Jesus, how does one live the blessed life? How do His words contrast with what the woman said?
3. In what ways does “hearing the word of God and keep[ing] it” serve as the antidote to the devastating situation described in vv. 24-26? Where in your life do you need to hear and keep God’s word?