

“Astonished by the Gospel!”

Categories: Bulletin Articles, Clay Gentry

Astonished by the Gospel!

Have you ever been completely blown away by something unexpected?

That’s exactly what happened to Sergius Paulus, a Roman official, in Acts 13:4-12. Note v. 12, “Then the proconsul believed, when he saw what had occurred, for he was astonished at the teaching of the Lord.” Through the power of the Spirit, Sergius witnessed Paul strike the sorcerer Elymas with temporary blindness. Elymas was an ardent opponent of the gospel, trying to turn Sergius away from the faith. But, through this miraculous act, Sergius saw the truth and power of the gospel. If I had been writing v. 12, I would have probably put the astonishment on “what had occurred.” I mean, a guy being struck blind was pretty shocking!

But it was more than the miracle that astonished him. It was the teaching about Jesus that truly captivated his heart. Such supernatural events drew the world's attention, but it was the life-changing truth of the gospel of Jesus that truly unlocked hearts.

Imagine this: a man of power and authority, used to the ways of the world, suddenly encountering the radical message of forgiveness, mercy, love, and grace. It turned his world upside down!

From the Proconsul’s experience, let’s learn:

• The Gospel isn’t informational; it’s transformational. Just as the proconsul was astonished, we must proclaim the message that captivates hearts and minds, leading to genuine transformation. That’s astonishing!

• The Gospel is the ultimate solution to humanity’s deepest needs. People are searching for meaning, purpose, and forgiveness. Miracles are marvelous, a helping hand is, well helpful, but astonish them by showing how Jesus fulfills those needs.

• The Gospel is for everyone. Just as the proconsul, a Gentile, was welcomed into the faith, we must share the message inclusively, recognizing that God’s grace extends to all. Astonishing!

The Gospel is the good news that God loves us and sent his Son, Jesus, to die for our sins so that we could have eternal life (John 3:16). It’s a message of hope and forgiveness that can change anyone’s life, regardless of their past. When we share the gospel with others, we’re not just giving them information; we’re offering them the opportunity to experience the same astonishment that Sergius Paulus did.

Sergius Paulus’ conversion reminds us that the gospel is truly astonishing! Let us be amazed by this truth, just like the proconsul, and proclaim this incredible message of hope to the world.

What about you? Have you experienced the astonishment of God's grace?