

“Luke / Acts Week 22 – May 27-31”

Categories: Luke / Acts Reading Plan

Monday – Luke 18:1-8 The Parable of the Persistent Widow
1. In a rare fashion, Luke gives us great insight at the beginning of the section. What does Luke say is the purpose of this parable from Jesus?
2. Identify some of the differences between the unrighteous judge and God. What is the motivation behind these two to fulfill the request of their people?
3. Consistent prayer is essential to our covenantal relationship. According to this passage, how might our prayer life contrast to the pleading of the widow? Do you think the concept of “wearing God out” with our prayers is a valid concern? Why or why not?

Tuesday – Luke 18:9-14 The Pharisee and the Tax Collector
1. As in the previous section, Luke provides us with the purpose of this scene at the beginning. Who does Luke say is the intended audience of this parable?
2. Analyze the two prayers. What is wrong with the Pharisee’s attitude in prayer? What is right about the tax collector’s attitude in prayer?
3. Through the lens of their prayers, we see the hearts of the Pharisee and the tax collector. When are you tempted to think like the Pharisee? How would adopting the attitude of the tax collector change your relationship with God and others?

Wednesday – Luke 18:15-17 Let the Children Come to Me
1. When parents bring infants and children to Jesus “that He might touch them,” the disciples “rebuke them.” Why do you think the disciples react this way?
2. For a second time in Luke, Jesus uses a child to make a spiritual point (cf. 9:46-48). In your own words, summarize why Jesus wants the infants and children to come to Him.
3. In what areas of your life do you need to express more childlike faith and qualities? Ask Him to help you become like this.

Thursday – Luke 18:18-23 The Rich Young Ruler
1. From receiving infants and children, Jesus turns his attention to a rich ruler. Evaluate the rich ruler’s estimation of Jesus, his burning question, and appraisal of himself.
2. Jesus responds by telling the man how to inherit eternal life, “Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.” Why do you think Jesus says this to him? Do you think Jesus means for His words to drive the man away? Explain.
3. If you were to have a one-on-one conversation with Jesus about “inheriting eternal life,” what would He say you need to give up to better follow Him?

Friday – Luke 18:24-30 With God all Things are Possible
1. As the rich ruler departs, Jesus turns to His disciples. Evaluate His words in vv. 24-25, why is it difficult for “those with wealth” to enter the kingdom of heaven?
2. Jesus’ comment to the rich man astonishes the disciples. Trace their wonderment and how Jesus answers their concerns.
3. There is a tension between kingdom wealth and worldly wealth that the disciples grapple with. How might that tension express itself in your life (cf. 1 Tim 6:6-10, 17-19)?