“Luke / Acts Week 5 – Jan 29-Feb 2”
Categories: Luke / Acts Reading PlanMonday – Luke 4:42-44 Jesus Preaches in The Synagogues
1. Jesus often retreats to the quiet of a desolate place to pray (cf. Luk 5:16; Mrk 1:35-39). Why do you think He needs to do this? How would such a place benefit your prayer life? Plan your retreat.
2. The citizens of Capernaum attempt to keep Jesus in their city but He needs to travel on preaching “the good news.” When are you most tempted to keep Jesus for yourself? To whom do you need to bring His good news to this week? Prayerfully make your plans and act in the strength of the Savior.
3. Looking back over Luk 4:31-44, how do these verses offer a taste of Jesus fulfilling the prophecy in Isaiah, that He quoted in the Nazareth synagogue (Luk 4:16-22)?
Tuesday – Luke 5:1-11 Jesus Calls the First Disciples
1. At times, the crowds following Jesus could become unruly as they “pressed” closely to Him (cf. Mrk 3:7). As you picture this scene, describe what you see in the faces of the people in the crowd?
2. List the steps, through which Jesus takes Simon Peter to persuade him to leave everything and follow Him. Why do you think authority over fish affects Peter so profoundly? What would get your attention? Why?
3. To follow Jesus, the four fishermen must cut loose worldly ties and trust Jesus and His message. What might Jesus be calling you to leave behind, to follow Him more faithfully? Why is it often so difficult for you to do likewise today?
Wednesday – Luke 5:12-16 Jesus Heals a Leper
1. The leper’s request for healing centers on Jesus’ willingness to heal, not His capability to do so. Why do you think the leper feels this way? Can you relate? Explain.
2. Jesus’ word would have been sufficient to heal the man, but His touch confirms His willingness. What does this interaction with the leper tell you about Jesus? Reflect on how this applies to your life.
3. What do you learn about Jesus’ priorities in His instructions to the healed leper?
Thursday – Luke 5:17-26 Jesus Heals a Paralytic
1. The religious establishment of Judaism are starting to take notice of Jesus, why do think they would gather like this? What is their issue with Jesus forgiving the man’s sins?
2. In what ways does Jesus’ healing of the paralytic, answer the questions in the minds of the teachers of the law? Observe their response to seeing the paralyzed man stand up and walk out.
3. The paralytic’s friends provide a model of caring. In what ways does the four friend’s faith in Jesus affect the life of the paralyzed man? How does your faith affect others around you? Are you doing whatever it takes to get them to Jesus? Why or why not?
Friday – Luke 5:27-32 Jesus Calls Levi (Matthew)
1. After leaving everything to follow Jesus, Levi (or Matthew; Mat 9:9; Luk 6:15) invites his friends to see Jesus. What must have the Pharisees believed about God, sin, righteousness that made them consider it wrong to eat with tax collectors and sinners?
2. In what ways are vv. 31-32 a mission statement for Jesus? For yourself? For your congregation?
3. Mark tells us that many tax collectors and sinners were disciples of Jesus (Mrk 2:15; cf. Luk 15:1-2). Why do you think Jesus attracts people of such ill repute? What role do you think simple hospitality and respect play? How might these two evangelism tools help you tell others about Jesus?